Saturday, August 28, 2010


I'm not exactly what you would call superstitious, but last night while driving around with my dear old mom two things happened that put me on edge.

1. Someone on a weird motorbike was driving behind us, normal, right? No, because as were were pulling into the right lane of TWO lanes, this guy suddenly zooms forward on our RIGHT side so close we almost hit him, then proceeds to drive directly in front of us and into the left lane. WTF? One lane that splits into two, and in his goal to reach the left lane, he decides to drive into the right lane and in front of us. Seriously. Adrenaline rush.

2. Some dude almost hit us. End of story.

oh yeah, one other thing, a woman was crossing the cross walk, the light was red, and suddenly this guy decides to not only run the red light, but cross the street in his car while a woman was. As I recall, there is an actual LAW that states that the moment someone steps one foot into the crosswalk, you are NOT allowed to drive across it.

So that all put me on edge, and I'm sitting there trying to calm myself down, and I think, I"m just jinxing myself now. And then I calm down and decide I'm NOT in fact jinxing myself, and then... a black cat streaks across the road and into the bushes. Keep in mind that it was already dark out.

Why? WHY?


  1. A black cat crossing your path signifies that the animal is going somewhere. I don't really see how nearly getting hit by an errant car makes you superstitious....especially because you said you were ON EDGE, which is not the same as SUPERSTITIOUS. o.O

  2. Holmes...that makes her paranoid.

  3. Which was my point all along. It. Made. Me. Paranoid. Thank you AJ for noticing that fact. :D Holmes, stop being so picky.
