Monday, September 13, 2010

Animes I'm Trying to Keep Up With

Gunslinger Girl

Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

Queens Blade

Last Exile


12-steps (Keep Reading)

My friend has problems saying No.

She has officially hired me to A. Teach her how to say no, and B. Teach her how to be mean. I'm not sure how I feel about the fact that it is ME teaching her these things.


Step 1: Admit that you have a problem. CHECK

Step 2: Hand yourself over to a hire power. CHECK (It's me, in this case, temporarily anyways)

Step 3: Recognize where you have gone wrong and make amends... erm... lets try this again. Recognize what to say no to and what to say yes to... We're working on it

Step 4: Recognize when to be rude, short, cold etc, and when to be polite and kind... Working on it

Step 5: Say no to everything for a day... Lets just say it's still a goal

Step 6: Relax, AND STOP CARING WHAT PEOPLE THINK. This Might take a while

Step 7: Consider your motives. If they turn out to be unsound... head back to step 1.

Step 8: Consider your judgement calls; when tested say no to the correct problems and yes to the correct problems, be rude when needed, and polite when necessary.


Step 10: Dwell and think about you reasons for doing the 12 step program, then, write down your reasons, and recognize WHY you are doing this. Understand why this needs to be done, and how you are harming yourself more than others by never saying no.

Step 11: Skip school and walk around saying no to random people. (Hint Hint, Say no to this)

Step 12: Once it is determined you can say no and be mean, you can graduate the 12 step program. However, if you are not ready by step 12, you can begin a more extensive 12 step program. Of my creation. It involves weed whackers.

Never Have I Ever

Never Have I Ever... What have I never ever done?

Please, someone beat me with a weed whacker???

I actually like school. Which I have never done before now.

(Sorry this is such a boring post)

Oh and by the way, I started another blog for my story.

Saturday, August 28, 2010


I'm not exactly what you would call superstitious, but last night while driving around with my dear old mom two things happened that put me on edge.

1. Someone on a weird motorbike was driving behind us, normal, right? No, because as were were pulling into the right lane of TWO lanes, this guy suddenly zooms forward on our RIGHT side so close we almost hit him, then proceeds to drive directly in front of us and into the left lane. WTF? One lane that splits into two, and in his goal to reach the left lane, he decides to drive into the right lane and in front of us. Seriously. Adrenaline rush.

2. Some dude almost hit us. End of story.

oh yeah, one other thing, a woman was crossing the cross walk, the light was red, and suddenly this guy decides to not only run the red light, but cross the street in his car while a woman was. As I recall, there is an actual LAW that states that the moment someone steps one foot into the crosswalk, you are NOT allowed to drive across it.

So that all put me on edge, and I'm sitting there trying to calm myself down, and I think, I"m just jinxing myself now. And then I calm down and decide I'm NOT in fact jinxing myself, and then... a black cat streaks across the road and into the bushes. Keep in mind that it was already dark out.

Why? WHY?

Friday, August 27, 2010

The Forbidden Souls Trilogy; CHARACTERS

WARNING: I have not finished writing all of the character info, however I HAVE put the basic information.

Lucian White

Name: Lucian White
Reaper Name: White Poison
Death Reaper Name: White Death
Nickname: Scar
Appearance: Lucian White's hair is longer than is tradition, falling about six inches past his shoulders. His hair is whiter than snow, with an almost silver sheen, somewhat like ice under the light of the moon. His face is generally called Handsome, however it can also be considered beautiful. It is perfectly chiseled, like a sculpture. His Jaw is strong, his chin pointed with the slightest hint of a cleft. His cheekbones are a cross between being slightly rounded, yet at the same time sharp. His cheeks themselves are rather gaunt. His nose is strong and smooth, not to big nor to small. His brows are refined and balance carefully over wide, expressive eyes. His eyes have cat-like traits; the pupils are slits, and depending on the strength of the lightsource, can be thin to the point of invisibilty, or so wide there is almost no iris. The iris itself changes colors as well, although the color is always a shade of blue, from navy to sapphire. They reflect in the light as well, making them appear to glow.
Over his left eye is a ragged scar, which reaches out about an inch from above his eye and below, giving him the nickname scar.
His body is well toned and muscular, however his chest and shoulders have many scars. He stands at 6'2, so he is tall.
Personality: Lucian White, when he was young, had been known to be rather arrogant and gruff, however at the same time obedient. Now, at his present adult age, he is silent, quiet, and dangerous. He speaks only when necessary, and seems to have let go of petty things like arguing or flirting. He spends most of his time training, and is known for being a little sarcastic. In truth, he is rather narcissitic, and views life as a waste of time. His only goal in life is finding and protecting Kit. He is a bit of a mystery, and his personality seems to change. He has a reputation of being stonecold and merciless. In fact, his white hair and skin and eyes make him rather frightening, especially when paired with his dangerous skills. Known particularly for his trademark of killing with a strange white poison.
Age: 24
History: Lucian White started his training when he was only three years and three days old. By the time he was Nine, he was given the status of Reaper Apprentice. By the time he was Fourteen, he was considered a Novice Reaper. He was proclaimed a Reaper at the age of fifteen, and finally a Death Reaper, also known as a True Assassin, at the age of sixteen. He was the youngest person to ever become a Death Reaper at the age of sixteen, the previous record having been at the age of eighteen. In the course of a Reapers life he is generally given four different names, however depending on his skills sometimes it will be two or three. Lucian White was given only two names through out his life, something unheard of. His Reaper name was White Death. Having the word Death in ones name is the Highest honor, and signifies that he or she is of the highest skill. People with Death in their names are automatically feared. The last person to have Death in their name was Vanessa Striker, also known as Death Striker. Later on in the series Daemon Blade, once known as Red Blade, becomes Bladed Death.

Jasper Night

Name: Jasper Night
Reaper Name: Night Wing
Death Reaper Name: None
Nickname: None
Appearance: Jasper Night's hair falls past his shoulders, a length not ordinary on men, and is a midnight black, with an almost blue sheen in the light. Because of the long length, his hair is carefully pulled back, unlike Lucian's. Usually a lock or two of his hair will have fallen free and will rest in front of his eyes. His eyes themselves are an ice-blue, and seem to glow in the moon light. His face is carefully sculpted, with sharp cheekbones, a sharp chin, a strong jaws. His brows are set carefully over brooding eyes, paired with a strong, sharp nose. His upper lips is thin, his lower lip just slightly fuller.
Personality: An arrogant, head-strong man, what Jasper lacks in skill he makes up for in brute strength. At times he comes off as impatient and daring, at others he is dark and brooding, a Tall Dark and Handsome kind of man. Still, he is competitive, and never backs down from anything. (To be continued)
Age: 22
History: His history is simple. From the moment he can remember, Jasper has always been competing with Lucian, end of story. He became an Apprentice Reaper at the age of 14, a Novice Reaper by the age of 16, and a Reaper at the age of 19, when he became known by his Reaper name Night Wing.

Daemon Blade

Daemon Blade
Reaper Name: Red Blade
Death Reaper Name: Bladed Death
Nickname: Sin
Age: 25

Jay Talon
Reaper Name: Wind Talon
Death Reaper Name: Slashing Talon
Nickname: Jaybird

Chaos Jewel
Reaper Name: Midnight Jewel
Death Reaper Name: None Yet
Nickname: Gem
Age: 17

Desdemona Kit Ice-Sorrow
Apprentice Reaper Name: Hot Ice Kit
Novice Reaper Name: Forgotten Sorrow
Reaper Name: Twilight Sorrow,
Death Reaper Name: Bleeding Sorrow, Deaths Sorrow
Forbidden Reaper Name: Avenging Sorrow
Nickname: Kitty, Kitten,
Age: 9-16

Trinity Hope
Reaper Name: Dark Hope
Death Reaper Name: Hopes Tears
Nickname: None

Vanessa Striker
Reaper Name: Scarlet Striker
Death Reaper Name: Death Striker
Nickname: V

Nicholai Dragon
Reaper Name: Savage Dragon
Death Reaper Name: None Yet
Age: 27

Jade Dragon
Reaper Name: Requiem Dragon
Death Reaper Name: Massacre Dragon
Nickname: None

Dove Sorrow
Reaper Name: Bleeding Sorrow
Death Reaper Name: Deaths Sorrow
Forbidden Reaper Name: Drowning Sorrow
Nickname: Mother Dove, Twilight Dove
History: Unknown

The Forbidden Souls Trilogy; ABOUT

What, might you ask, is my story going to be about?

I shall first, in this post, give you the VERY BASICS. PLEASE note the word BASIC.

There are FIVE different types of souls.

Souls are behind the human-kinds Power, otherwise known as The Gift, or, Magic, however the word magic is rarely used, Power is used often though.

Anyways, the Souls are as follows:

Fallen/Demon Souls: Evil, conniving, treacherous, savage, Demon Souls are not born dark. Also known as Fallen Souls. A Soul might start out good, but if they murder (Just an example) they will Fall and become one. All Demon Souls are Red.

Innocent/Mortal Souls: Ordinary day to day Humans that have absolutely no idea about Power or even that their Souls have any kind of meaning. They are left out of the Reaper world, and unless told, have no idea about the day to day war going on in their very midsts. All Innocent Souls are a light, rosy, innocent Pink.

Tracker Souls: Tracker Souls have the unique ability to Find Souls. While all Souls (Besides Innocent Souls) can see Souls while using the Soul Sight, Tracker Souls can actually find any soul, if they have seen it before in person, any where in the world. For example, if a Tracker Soul meets a certain person, and then they are separated, they will then be able to find that Soul anywhere in the world. As long as they aren't using a Soul Shield/Protect. Tracker Souls are Green.

Reaper Souls: Rare, Reaper Souls are a light, crystal Blue. Reaper Souls have the ability to Reap, in other words, to kill Demon Souls. Demon Souls are hard to kill. You can kill them in the Physical World, however if done incorrectly, the Demon Soul can escape into the Dreamscape/realm, where they will then have to be Tracked down and killed.

Dream Souls: The most rare Soul alive, Dream Souls are about 1 in a Thousand, so are prized, especially when certain facts are considered. Any person with a Dream Soul looks ordinary, however if someone were to look at their Silver Soul using the Soul Sight, they would immediately be drawn, like a vampire to blood. Demon Souls want to kill and eat the Soul, other Souls, like Reaper Souls, want to protect them, like a lioness her cubs. Dream Souls have many rare abilities, however they are also a bit of a combination, since they can both Track, and Reap, like their fellow Green and Blue Souls. Dream Souls though, have the ability to Enter the Dreamscape, track the Soul, and then control the surrounding area to trap the Demon Soul. Unforunately Dream Souls are also susceptible to persuasion and then possession, and while in the Dreamscape it would be very easy to "pollute" them with darkness. So easy in fact, that simply touching the essence of a dead Demon Soul could turn them.

Forbidden Souls: Born out of Dream Souls, Forbidden Souls are dark, as their name suggests. They are, however, far more unstable than Dream Souls, with the same abilities and a few more. Their Human bodies are also faster, stronger, quicker, and more inhuman. Take for instance the description of a Vampire; Immortal, Powerful, Beautiful, Predators. Forbidden Souls have so much power that they can barely think straight. They often go insane as a result. A certain few, though, can keep their daily, happy lives. How do they do this? Someone or something balances them out. It could be anything, from a cherished memory, to a lover, or even to a pebble that they treasure, like a jewel, or even a chess piece. It varies to person to person. Forbidden Souls though, if without the thing/s that balances them (Because it can be more than one thing) can be easily manipulated, or swayed into doing something wrong. For example, kill a Forbidden Souls Lover, also the thing that balances them out, and they will become depressed, with unstable thoughts and whims, their power will flare out of control and they may do something horrible without meaning too, or even realizing it. Because of this, Dream Souls are forbidden to become a Forbidden Soul. How do they make the transition into a Forbidden Soul? Read the story and you will find out. Forbidden Souls are Black.

The Forbidden Souls Trilogy
Book 1. Broken Soul
Book 2. Crimson Soul
Book 3. Soul Undone


(Still in the making. Actually, that is a lie. I know the Plot, and what will happen in all three books, but I'm to lazy to write it out. If I get three different comments from three different people I'll write it out for you. Or if I get two VERY PERSUASIVE comments...)

Awesome and Amazing and... SCREW SCHOOL!

School stars in three days... THREE FRIGGIN DAYS! ARGH!

Anyways, THAT is not my subject of the moment. (School, I mean)

The subject actually is several different things.

1. I have not written a new post in a while. Why? Because I have actually, surprisingly enough, been extremely busy. For example, (And this is how you know something is out of the ordinary) I cleaned my room. WTF? Good answer.

2. Kick-ass & Inception.

Kick-ass, was, to say the least, AWESOME. Never before have I seen such a hilarious, violent, gore-filled movie where, dare I say it, AN ELEVEN YEAR OLD GIRl not only cusses, but slices some poor dudes leg off all while shooting tons of guys dead! Might I repeat myself? AWESOME.

Inception, however, was Amazing. There are no words.
In fact, I'm not even going to attempt to tell you how absolutely amazing it was, you must simply see it for yourself. And if you do not agree, I shall simply attack you with a weedwhacker. (My apologies, I have taken to saying that when I disagree with someone/thing. "That should be hacked to pieces by a weedwhacker!" or "Someone should attack her with a weedwhacker" or better yet, "Might you possibly hold still WHILE I ATTACK YOU WITH A WEEDWHACKER!!!???"Ha ha yes.

I have much to say. Most importantly... CHECK OUT MY DEVIANTaRT ACCOUNT!!! NOW!!! I have about thirty pieces yet to be put up, but I do have about nine pieces up so far. So, enjoy.


To continue on another subject not yet broached, I have but one thing to say.

Aisaka Taiga.

Ai. Sa. Ka. Taiga.

There is an anime show, called Toradora, that all episodes of which can be seen on and all I have to say, is if you are awesome, you will watch. I don't care if you HATE anime... You. Must. Watch. It. It has the perfect ending, the perfect characters, and the... well it's perfect. I am now obsessed with Aisaka Taiga, who is one of the two main characters, besides Ryuuji. Anyways.... TORADORA!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!

Another great anime would be Soul Eater. Yes, it is good. No, I have not finished it. Out of the 50 something episodes I have about three left though, so it's only a matter of time.

Yes indeed.....

I got my ears pierced... AGAIN.

I also got my hair trimmed... But only about half an inch.


She will kill tonight.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Wow... just... wow

I seriously cannot believe someone took the time to make this... Seriously... WTF?:

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Friday, July 30, 2010

Armor Rings

Finally got my new armor ring... might I just say... AMAZING. Coolest most beautiful most extraordinary ring ever!!! It's designed by Vivienne Westwood...

Anyways, I haven't exactly been on this for a while. Probably because I have been REALLY busy...

And when I say busy, I mean BUSY...

Lots of people here. My brother-in-laws little sister who is a couple of years younger than myself, and today her mother came, and her mothers friend is coming in a couple of hours, and we're sewing a baby shower doll, but we have to make two, even though this first pink one is pissing me off, and I want to smash the sewing machine with a hammer, and we're running around, and even though it is five in the afternoon we haven't eaten anything yet, and, and, and, and.... mew.......

ANNNDDDD my friend just dropped the thread and rolled it across the room. Mew.....


Anyways, found some new anime shows, one is called Toradora and it's pretty awesome.... TAIGA!!!

WHY does it have to be so damn hot out here????meh..... weather is screwing us over....

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, anyways, you know how in some places the first letter of that places name will be put onto a mountain for all to see? Here we have two, an M and an L. Anyways, someone made a peace sign further down the mountain with the L, and it was pretty hilarious.

Not much to say at the moment.... *sigh*

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Intern walks up: "Dr. Cox, I just wanted to say that I enjoyed working the rounds, I'm going to work harder, so you don't just think of me as, what was it?"

Dr. Cox turns: "A helpless-vapid-incompetent-ass-kisser."

Intern blinks: "I don't remember the ass kisser part..."
Dr. Cox:"I know, I just added it."

Intern looks like she just died a little inside: "Greaatt... Makes it hurt more."

Dr. Cox turns and walks away: "Great."

Ha ha ha ha, I LOVE Scrubs!!!!!!! SCRUBS DA BOMB!!

Barking Cats???

"Nooooooo way!"
"Omfg, like, totally!"

Whats the big deal?? Well obviously it's big enough to make me talk like a girly girl.

Yep. Its true.

I have... a barking cat.

So remember how I was telling you about Fat Kitty Seran?? Yes, well, we often joke around that he's pregnant with puppies, cause he's so fat.

Truth is, deep down, he IS a puppy dog.

How do I know? I stepped on his paw.

It was an accident.

What did he do?

He... he.... he... HE BARKED!!!

I almost fell down the friggin steps. I'm standing there, thinking, WTF??? And he just looks up at me all innocent like, as if he had not just made a very uncat like sound. No joke.

And when I say he barked, I'm serious. Honest to god, he BARKED.

Sure it sounded a little strangled and all, but still, twas a bark, through and through.

Weird huh?


My Fault?

Is it my fault I'm falling in love?

Nightmare Hope

Sitting silently
surrounded by darkness
no nightmares
no more
How many weeks has it been
since I have not been plagued
by nightmares
one after another
some ridiculous
and some terrifying in their reality?
It has been so long
one two three
four five six
one year
So long since I have been able to rest at night
dreaming sweet dreams
one not of
one not of being chased
or losing everyone
I never die
in my nightmares
Just run
People think I stay up till the crack of dawn
because I love the night
While true
that is only partially the reason
The truth would be
that I'm to afraid
to close my eyes
and sleep

Saturday, July 17, 2010


So here I am, listening to some fav japanese songs on my ipod, and I start browsing the photos of one of my facebook friends, and what do you know, there are ALOT of anime pics, which explains why I was looking at them. I'm in an anime mood. Except... this person drew some of thesepics,a nd even though they're REALLY good... seems L and Light are gay, and so are Sasuke and Naruto. Here are some of my favs, seriously, HILARIOUS. I can't stop laughing. SOOOOO FUNNY!!! HA HA HA HA HA HA, theres even a Final Fantasy one!!! I personally don't bend that way, and I never knew Naruto or Sasuke did either, nor Cloud and Sephiroth, or Light and L, but apparently they do!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... ha.... ha ha.... Still, Naruto Death Note and Final Fantasy are pretty awesome... the above photos are just HILARIOUS!!!!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

WHY??? Two topics today (Deal with it)

*Sigh* WHY, and I repeat myself, WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY do people have to give objects a friggin gender!!!??? I mean seriously, GET A LIFE. A lawnmower is NOT a She, and it is not a He!!! I can understand calling a dollie a she and a G.I. Joe a he, but I cannot understand why people have to call the toilet a he and the stupid chair a he and maybe that plant in the corner a she!!!! ARGH, it drives my crazy!!! IT IS AN OBJECT, NOT A HE OR A SHE!! UNISEX!!!!! FIGURE IT OUT!!!

Second topic is a boy. Ironically enough his name is Dakoda. A few of you might know that one of my ex's is named Dakoda, however, this Dakoda is not the same one. Tee hee. Any hoo.... *cough cough* lol. I'm rather bored at the moment, even though I just had a Code Red Mountain Dew. YUMMIESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MOST DELICIOUS DRINK EVER!!!!!!

The Beekeepers Apprentice

MWA HA HA HA. An absolutely amazing book, if I do say so myself. And I do. Tsk tsk for all who hate Sherlock Holmes, and Mary Russel is an ingenious idea. I have little too say in this post, perhaps because I met someone, someone totally amazing (Yes, it is a boy) and I am now just slightly, okay, really, distracted. And most probably it does not help that I stayed up till five in the morning. And now I really want some soda.


Sunday, July 11, 2010

So Much Time... Why Am I So Rushed??

SOOOOOO much to say. I went and saw The Last Airbender with my best friend Holmes. That was today. Pretty sweet. Some of the actors should be murdered. Any hoo, yesterday I had a rather boring day, didn't do much... at least I did until about 5:25, which is when I caught the bus and went to my best friends house to spend the night. my best friend is Holmes, the owner of the following blog. Furthermore, she is the most amazing person in the history of mankind, and my best friend. We had a ton of fun, her younger brother wasn't there for the beginning, (He's a year younger) so we got to hang out by ourselves. However soon her parents came home, we had dinner, yadda yadda yadda, and then her brother and his friend came back from paintballing at Citylife. They ate some dinner and then the four of us walked down to the local park to play some ultimate frisbee (I MUCH prefer folf). The park though is a story on its own. When I was in elementary school this park was literally next to the school I went too, but at the time, the equipment was crap. They recently destroyed the park and remade it. It. Is. Utterly. Amazing. No, seriously, I haven't played on playground equipment in years, but yesterday we played like little kids, running and climbing all over the place. Needless to say it took a while before we actually began to play Ultimate Frisbee. When we did, I had no motivation, so I mainly just watched while Holmes and I were basically "slaughtered" by her little brother and his friend, who was actually really funny. Like I said, I prefer good old fashioned folf. Afterwards we went back to the house and I finally watched the second transformers movie for the first time ever. It was okay. We then just hung out and we went to bed, and got up in the morning, blah blah blah, had waffles and bacon for breakfast, yadda yadda yadda, went to the movie, came back, and then proceeded to hang out for the rest of the day until nine o clock in the evening. We had hamburgers for dinner. Needless to say, AWESOME two days. AND I read a book called Parrotfish, which was a lot better than one might expect, and Holmes lent me a Sherlock Holmes book called the Beekeepers Apprentice. Needless to say, I am very excited to begin reading it, however I am rather engrossed in an episode of Scrubs... what to do, what to do.... perhaps I should just watch another episode of Naruto Shippuden? Oh, I know, I have a better idea, I'll get a drink of water and watch the NEW episode of Eureka, which is in fact the first episode of the new season. Weeeeeeeeeee.... TA TA!~

Friday, July 9, 2010


I don't have much time, since I have to catch the bus by 5:25... becauuussssseeee I'm going to go spend the night at my bestest friends house. Any hoo, I am still very depressed about the death of Granny Chiyo, I mean, i knew she was going to die at least four episodes before it happened, but still..... WHY DID SHE HAVE TO DIE??? RAWRRRRR!!!!!! Such a noble death, I suppose it is the one any shinobi could wish for, but still. Argh....

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Granny Chiyo

This.... Is.... Me.... Sobbing....




Naruto Shippuden Episode 31 just... made.... me.....cry....

No joke. Tears in my eyes.



Granny.... Chiyo..... Don't..... die.... please...?


IT"S NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!

Top Ten Favorite Naruto Characters (One Best !0 Least):

1. Neji
2. Haku
3. Granny Chiyo
4. Gaara
5. Shikamaru
6. Temari
7. Itachi
8. Kakashi
9. Tsunade
10. Naruto


Make me cry will you...


It's totally 1:00 in the morning... ohhhhhhh yeahhhhhhh. Actually it's exactly 1:15, but a minute ago it was 1:14. ;)
Any who, just a quick update, I'm watching Naruto Shippuden on Hulu. How many of you LOVE anime?
Trickster Say What?
Um.... I'm not really sure what I just said...
Does it matter?
No, not really....
Oh, well, I guess that makes sense...
Are you talking to yourself?
Why yes I am as a matter of fact.
Oh... cool....
IKR! Thats what I thought!
I'm a little insane in case you hadn't noticed already.
Hey, who else thinks the eyes above are totally creepy??
I hope your hearing my sarcasm with the "text" talk.
Sooooo, I was just watching Family Guy on TV downstairs.... yeppppp...... just living the good life.....
Sorry. I'm REALLY bored. Not really. How can anyone be bored while watching Naruto Shippuden?
IKR!!! *HEAVY sarcasm*
Okay, this blog was rather pointless. Ah well.


Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Tick Tock.... Tick.... Tock...

Absolutely nothing to do but write and listen to music. This is... is... is..... ANYTHING BUT DISAPPOINTING!!
WEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! As you might have noticed,
I am in a very good mood.
Alright so I'm in an argumentative mood.
But a good mood all the same.
And yes.... I saw.... *Gulps* ECLIPSE!!! MWA HA HA HA, in fact I saw it opening night. But alas, it was not my fault.
You see,
My brother-in-laws little sisters are visiting,
And since the three of us are brilliant friends,
I was hanging out with them.
Now, my brother-in-laws brother was the one we were hanging out with,
And he randomly says,
"Do you guys want to go see the opening show of Eclipse"
And we all exchange looks, and agree that that sounded like fun,
If not so we could simply make fun of it.
This was like a week and a half ago.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
I'm going insane.....

HELPPPPP, I watched Hannah Montana..... on Disney Channel.....

I have now been scarred for life....
Someone tell that girl her hair looks like a unicorn beard.....
Dun dun... dun dunn.... dun DUN DUN DUN DUN!!!

Trickster SAY WHAT!?

Tis true... and a cow tongue as well.....

They didn't taste that bad either....

  1. J. W.
  2. Has
  3. The
  4. Munchies
  5. For
  6. The
  7. Num
  8. Nums
  9. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As any of you might have noticed, I'm a little bored....

But just a little...

It's not noticeable is it?

Tee hee, any who, TA TA.... till.... whenever....

It depends on when I next get online....
It could be tomorrow....

Or in a week...
But it could also be in an hour.....


That'll Do Pig

Babe= Talking pig, Farm animals, TALKING farm animals, Fairs, Competitions, Runt Pig,

Charlotte's Web= Talking pig, Farm animals, TALKING farm animals, Fairs, Competitions, Runt Pig,

Why is it that people love talking runt piggies on farms who win competitions? I mean seriously. Pigs are not fluffy and cuddly. Yet they're so... cute? Blegh.

Whaaattteverrrrr. Whatever floats their boat.

Anyways, I started writing a song last night, no reason, just did. The following words are the lyrics, :D but I'm sure you could figure that out on your own.

A silent lullaby-- so gentle so soft,
evoking hopes, waking needs.
The fabric of all,
torn to shreds,
I listen to the broken words,
each chime a nightmare turned

I don't know, what the sound means,
a merciless wail
beautiful yet dangerous
I listen to the broken words

A sirens call-- is what it is,
seducing in its dire whisper
tendrils of fire
shattering ice
a never-named song
I listen to the broken words

Broken words
silent words
drawing me from the light
and into cold black shade
I listen

I listen to the broken

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Fragile memories buried deep
broken shards
of eternal nightmares
waiting to be remembered

Silent lullabies
under one bright moon
dreaming gentle dreams
of darkness, bliss and eternity

Memories broken
bloom anew
each petal

And beautiful.

^^^I seriously have no idea what that is about. Yeah, I wrote it. It's not very good. I plan on rewriting it and making it better. Ah well.

The Trinity Three

Second blog.
Second.... Blog....
Oh, hello. Your reading this aren't you? You haven't already covered your eyes? Hmmmm..... bravo.... bravo..... *snores* "WAKE UP!" *innocent bystander not so innocently slaps Trickster awake*
Tee hee. I'm not actually tired, in fact, I'm wide awake because I watched a horrifying Oprah video where she interviews sex offenders. TRULY SICKENING. Although admittedly, BRAVO OPRAH, if I were in the same room as them I would have beat the sh** out of them!
Now, letttsss seeeeeee. I'm currently watching a movie called Smart House, just an older Disney movie, and it's not bad, but not exactly something I would rent. Fortunately it's just on the TV.
Tee hee.
You know, a ton of people say I can't say Tee Hee because it's just not me, but who the hell would they know? Whatever. Kind of how people are constantly calling me Goth. Yes, I wear black, I LIKE black, it is one of my top four favorite colors, Purple, Green, Black, Red. And nobody realizes that I seriously hate being called Goth. Seriously. A ton.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha, my sister has two veryyyy adorable kitties, named Saren (It might actually be spelled differently, I'm not sure, it's Elvish) who is a huge orange and white cat that is round and just... fat. We call him Fat Kitty, and even though he is on a diet, he is getting no skinnier. Probably because he pushes the other kitty away, sit on her, and then eat all of the food. Fat Kitty's name, Saren, means Friend in Elvish, and it fits his personality PERFECTLY. He is a cuddle bug!!! He LOVES people. Now the other kitty, Raina, her name means Queen in Elvish. It fits her perfectly as well. Raina is a prissy little Brat most of the time, with the softest most gorgeous grey-blue fur with white paws and the personality of a spoiled Queen. She won't let you pet her unless SHE wants to be petted, and she basically rules the world. Saren and Raina. Two amazing cats. And they are no where near as amazing as my kitties, Kamall and Songa. Kamall and Songa are twins, no joke, identical in every way. Both of them are rather tall. The fur along their backs are black with greyish-brown fur running down their sides and backs and with black stripes and bright orange noses. They are the most handsome and amazing kitty boys in the world!!! My itty bitty kitties....
Further more, I am a cat person. Cats.... are.... the.... most.... amazing.... kitties.... in.... the.... world.... MWA HA HA HA HA. Okay okay, dogs and guinea pigs and hamsters and such are good too... OKAY OKAY. ALL ANIMALS ARE AMAZING!!! I LOVE ANIMALS!!!!
Alright, enough. I'm saving up two hundred dollars so that I can buy a PSP and hopefully a Final Fantasy if only I had more than twenty dollars. *sigh* Can I get twenty dollars over here?
"CHUBBY BUNNY!!!!" Trickster say what? Chubby. Bunny. Stuff your mouth with a ton of marshmallows and say Chubby Bunnies, and I promise you will laugh. It is seriously hilarious. Ha. ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha aha.
Sorry bout that.
Now onto more grievous topics. There is a website called and this website is just... heartbreaking, absolutely heartbreaking. I made a post telling everyone that I love them and that they're beautiful, and that they're not alone. These people are living in fear and they think that they're ugly and alone. Do something nice and post something kind and supportive to them, remind them that they're not alone and that they're beautiful and amazing people. That what I do.
And to lighten the mood, here are some riddles. See if you can answer them all!

1. What English word retains the same pronunciation, even after you take away four of its five letters?

2. If I say "Everything I tell you is a lie," am I telling you the truth or a lie?

3. What work can a painter never quite finish?

4. Why wasn't Bertha put in jail after killing dozens of people?

5. Why wasn't John able to take a photo of his mother with curlers?

6. If there are three cups of sugar and you take one away, how many do you have?

7. What has a mouth but can't chew?

8. How many letters are in the alphabet?

9. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?

10. What can travel around the world while staying in a corner?

11. Food can help me survive, but water will kill me. What am I?

12. Take away the whole and some still remains. What is it?

13. What stinks when living and smells good when dead?

14. When is it bad luck to meet a white cat?

15. If it has a quart capacity, how many pennies can you put into a empty piggy bank?

There, now if you can answer 10 out of the 15 riddles I will be very proud. And you reward will be me giving you a compliment. JK!

The Trickster Scrolls

(I actually made this banner for the series I'm currently working on, but it works for this as well)

Oh joy. I'm a blogger. Might I just say... Good Grief!!!
This... should be epic.
I suppose I'll start out by telling you all a little about myself.
First of all, Fighting with me is a bad idea for more than one reasons. One being simple. I know how to use words; sure, sometimes my grammar fails, but I know what to say and when, and I know precisely how to make them hurt. I can get inside your head within minutes of meeting you. Why?
Simple really. Ever since I was little I have been good at evaluating people. I read body language, I pay attention, and most of all, I listen. I love the human language, whether it be words or a simple gesture. I know when someone is lying to me, or if they are hiding something. I know what subjects bother them and I tend to know more about people than they themselves do. How? I don't hold back in my evaluations, and I don't trust easily, which means I can be rather brutal. For example, I know when someone is pretending to be sad or depressed for attention, or when they are acting. Trickster say what? It's hard to explain. Either way, it is a very bad idea to try and hide things from me, because I can tell things about you even if I've never met you in person.and I'm just reading something you wrote about yourself. Like I said, I don't hold back, and I'm not afraid to say what is on my mind. I'm also going to mention that it is a bad idea to mess with me when I'm angry, because when I am in a rage, I will say things I don't mean to say, and they usually hurt.
But at the same time, I'm a loyal, fierce friend, and if you hurt someone I care for... I will hunt you down. I have a very, (okay, abnormally) strong sense of protection, put me near a child and you can rest assured that even though I say I hate babies, (I call 'em monster creatures)they won't so much as get a bug bite while I'm watching them. Seriously. I'm not joking. I'm very protective. And I won't hesitate to fight for my loved ones.

Hmmm, what else? Ah yes, give me a book and I'll usually finish it that same day, although admittedly this is not always the case. Give me a pen and paper, and I'll immediately start writing a story. Give me music and I'll sing along to it the moment I am alone. I don't sing in front of people. I'm not really sure why, I just don't. I guess I'm shy, and if I can actually sing in front of you it's because I trust you far more than anyone else and know you won't make fun of me. But even then, it's hard to sing in front of people. I suppose because singing, too me anyways, is a very personal thing, not really sure why, but it is. Same for writing, I have a hard time letting people read my stories, only this time not because I'm embarrassed, but because my stories are my own, they're personal.

I love poetry though. Although not modern stuff. Old ones, Ancient ones. For instance, "I hate and love--- the why I cannot tell, but by my tortures know the fact too well." That poem is an old Latin one, and by far one of my favorites, because it speaks to me. I'm a rather cynical, high maintenance, fierce person, I can be rude and rather violent, and I never take back-talk. When I want to be scary, I am terrifying, and when I want to be heard, trust me, you'll hear me. I can be rather odd though, and my imagination is just a tad (alright much bigger) wilder than is considered "Good." I mean come on, today's society is about control, oddball people that are unique and into freedom are considered hippies or are simply ignored. Sometimes they're even thrown into an insane asylum! For instance, Americans are known to value and definitely respect diversity and individuality, however, if you take a look at the common public school you'll find that all they do is squash the creativity in the young children who also happen to be the generation that will one day be the ones ruling society. I guess the mentality is why not brainwash them sooner rather than after they do something drastic like sat, Obama is right now? And onto that matter, I keep hearing people saying things like Obama hasn't done anything and he hasn't really changed anything, but come on, it's not like he can undo eight years worth of crappy leadership in just a few months. Give him a break, the havoc the Bushes have caused is going to take some time to undo!
If there is one thing I must admit I love about America though, is its ability to be informal, yet remain comfortable with it. We are not confined by dress code or mannerisms, and while some remain uncomfortable with "eccentric" religions such as Wicca, you won't find anyone bringing back the old Salem customs. America is where you can climb onto the rooftops and scream "Freedom!".
Another thing I love though is the whole first-name basis, even with simple acquaintances, it helps break down boundaries for one thing. There is little wonder as to why the variations of the English language as been received so damn well, some variations in spelling and pronunciations actually make more sense... sometimes. Not to much for me though, since I love spelling even if I'm not a grammar freak like my good friend Holmes (To whom I am known as Irene). Holmes is a brilliant, intelligent person, the reincarnate of Sherlock himself, and is one of the best people I know, truly my best and truest friend. So loyal. Anywho, the point is I spend a lot of time reading, and I appreciate the English language, so while you won't see me Lol'ing or typing "shorthand" u instead of you or ikr instead of I-Know-Right, and most certainly not things like ttfn or ttyl, I won't begrudge you if you yourself do. Oh dear, this blogging thing is turning out to be a lot funner than I expected. I'd best stop for tonight, considering the time and all. Ta Ta,